2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Tuesday 28th January - Friday 11 April

Term 2: Monday 28 April - Friday 27th June

Term 3: Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

Term 4: Monday 6 October - Friday 10 December (half day)

2025 Public Holidays (during term time):
Term 1:
Waitangi Day - 6 February
Good Friday - 18 April 
Easter Monday - 21 April
Easter Tuesday - 22 April
Term 2:
Anzac Day - 25 April 
King's Birthday - 2 June
Matariki - 20 June
Term 4:
Labour Day - 27 October

Contact Details:

Rotorua Specialist School
36 Kea Street
Selwyn Heights
Phone: (07) 3476717
Fax no: (07) 3476714
Email: office@rss.ac.nz


Collaborating with our families, whānau, and community in developing our tamariki to their full potential in a caring, safe and supportive environment.

Kei te mahitahi tātou, te whānau raua ko te hapori

Ki te tautokonga tamariki, rangatahi rānei, ki te whai wawata rātau i roto i te taiao o te aroha, o te manaakitanga hoki 


Together we care, learn and excel.

Kia tatou ka awhi, ka ako, ka piki ake.

School Values

Respect Whakamana

Independence Whakatipuranga

Community Hapori

Empowerment Whakakaha.

Photo: PJ, RSS

Van Got Stuck

Photo: Chiana, RSS

Boardwalk Horizon

Photo: PJ, RSS

Tui visiting our school