2024 Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 7 February - Friday 12 April

Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 Juiy

Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September

Term 4: Monday 14 October - Friday 20 December (half day)

2024 Public Holidays (during term time):
Term 1:
Waitangi Day - 6 February
Good Friday - 29 March
Easter Monday - 1 April
Easter Tuesday - 2 April
Term 2:
Anzac Day - 25 April 
King's Birthday - 3 June
Matariki - 28 June
Term 4:
Labour Day - 28 October

Contact Details:

Rotorua Specialist School
36 Kea Street
Selwyn Heights
Phone: (07) 3476717
Fax no: (07) 3476714
Email: office@rss.ac.nz


Rotorua Specialist School - Te Kūra Pukenga o Rotorua accepts enrolments form students between 5 and 21 years of age who have ORS funding.  Our enrolment process is outlined below.  Please contact us if you are interested in finding out if we are the right option for your child.

Initial Contact

Families / Whānau may approach the school for information or be introduced through MOE SE.

Inquiries are directed to Lorraine or Campbell

Expression of Interest Meeting

Families / Whānau meet with Lorraine and Campbell to discuss the school, the student and the possibility of placement upon confirmation of ORs status.

Please note: ORs funding is a requisite of enrolment at Rotorua Specialist School.

Enrolment Meeting

Enrolment forms are completed by Whānau/Family

Enrolment information is entered into the relevant databases by school staff.

Pre-Enrolment Organisation

Campbell will visit the student in their current school or preschool. 

Lorraine will discuss the suitability and availability of class placement.

Class Visits

Whānau/Family  will visit the identified class.  Campbell or Lorraine to accompany.

Transition to School

  1. Transition visits organised to the new classroom.
  2. Therapists may coordinate additional meetings for students with intense therapy programmes.
  3. Meetings with external agencies may be organised if required.

Starting School

Welcome - Nau mai, haere mai ki  Rotorua Specialist School - Te Kūra Pukenga o Rotorua.

IEP one page summary to be established within one month of the student starting.

A therapist team member to complete their initial screening within one month of the student starting.