2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Tuesday 28th January - Friday 11 April

Term 2: Monday 28 April - Friday 27th June

Term 3: Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September

Term 4: Monday 6 October - Friday 10 December (half day)

2025 Public Holidays (during term time):
Term 1:
Waitangi Day - 6 February
Good Friday - 18 April 
Easter Monday - 21 April
Easter Tuesday - 22 April
Term 2:
Anzac Day - 25 April 
King's Birthday - 2 June
Matariki - 20 June
Term 4:
Labour Day - 27 October

Contact Details:

Rotorua Specialist School
36 Kea Street
Selwyn Heights
Phone: (07) 3476717
Fax no: (07) 3476714
Email: office@rss.ac.nz

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Tumuaki - Principal’s Welcome

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kura Pūkenga o Rotorua - Rotorua Specialist School

I am delighted to welcome you to our beautiful kura.  We are the leading provider of Specialist Education in Rotorua for students, aged 5-21 years, with intellectual and / or physical disabilities.  For over 60 years our commitment to fostering a safe, happy and caring environment has empowered our students to become valued members of our school and the wider community.  

We have ten satellite classes that provide our awesome students with unparalleled opportunities, fostering collaboration between our school and host schools to promote inclusion.  The backbone of our success lies in our incredible team – comprising of kaiako - teachers, teacher aides, various therapists and support staff who work together seamlessly to help our students reach their full potential.

We are fortunate to have an exceptional Board  dedicated to supporting our school.  Their commitment and expertise play a pivotal role in ensuring the continued success and growth of our educational community.

Partnerships with our parents and families / whānau are integral to our approach to education, so you are encouraged to come in and visit our school and talk with your child's teacher about their  learning and life  at school.  Please ring and make an appointment with me or a member of our leadership team if you would like to look around the school.  We always enjoy the opportunity to share our great school whenever we can. 

Kia tātou ka awhi, ka ako, ka piki ake!

Ngā mihi

Lorraine Northey
M Ed.(Hons), PG.Dip S.E, B Ed. 

Together we Care, Learn and Excel

Kia tatou ka awhi, ka ako, ka piki ake

(School Mission Statement)

Photo: PJ, RSS

Sylvia at the picnic

Photo: PJ, RSS

Iain at the picnic

Photo: James, RSS

Bernadette at the picnic