2024 Term Dates

Term 1: Wednesday 7 February - Friday 12 April

Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 Juiy

Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September

Term 4: Monday 14 October - Friday 20 December (half day)

2024 Public Holidays (during term time):
Term 1:
Waitangi Day - 6 February
Good Friday - 29 March
Easter Monday - 1 April
Easter Tuesday - 2 April
Term 2:
Anzac Day - 25 April 
King's Birthday - 3 June
Matariki - 28 June
Term 4:
Labour Day - 28 October

Contact Details:

Rotorua Specialist School
36 Kea Street
Selwyn Heights
Phone: (07) 3476717
Fax no: (07) 3476714
Email: office@rss.ac.nz


> Home > WHPS

Kia Ora, Hello everyone. 

The amazing students in Room 7 this year are: 

Brodie, Harvey, Roni, Jupiter, Ondre-Ray and Cruze 

6 boys and 1 girl.

Teacher: Kathy Scott

Teacher Aides: Liza, Jodie and Dawn. 

Every term we base our learning and experiences on a specific Topic focus, and work on our set IEP (Individual Education Plan) goals at our own individual levels.

Our Community involvement includes swimming at the Aquatic Centre, taking out our favouitre book of choice at the Rotorua Public Library, and having morning tea at our favourite Public Park, and enjoy playing on the exciting playgrounds. 

At M.I.G.s we learn Gymnastics skills and this year have started learning to play Squash (with our physico Karen) at the Geyser Squash Club. Lots of fun.    

In Room 7 we learn cooking skills, making various dishes for dinner and lunch. We planted our vege garden this term thanks to Cherie from Mega Mitre 10 who donated the plants. 

We very much enjoy W.H.P S.mainstream inclusion, working with mainstream students of our own age, in PE and cooking, developing social skills and lastings relationships. 

Each week we work with our amazing Specialists, Speech Language Therapist (Mandana), Occupational Therapists (Katrina) Physiotherapist (Karen), and we enjoyed being part of the Kapa Haka group performing in Paroa (regional festival) and our local mainstream schools Kapa Haka festival, learning with Aiden and Daryl.  

“Striving for excellence and having fun in Room 7 is so much fun”