Base 2
Kia Ora and welcome to Room 2
Hi, my name is Kim Graham and I am the teacher in Room 2 this year.
I feel very privileged to be working with our 3 wonderful young men; Eklay-Ray, Kruise and Taiporutu.
My amazing teacher aides are: Karalyn and Rebecca
This year we have chosen to work on SPEC (South Pacific Educational Courses) which is a learning programme that focuses on providing the students with adapted resources and support to attain the New Zealand Certificate in Skills for Living, a NZQA approved program.
There is also a big focus on ensuring we are meeting the boy’s IEP’s (Individual Educational Plan) goals through teaching and learning programmes that focus on where they are currently at and where they would like to progress to, allowing opportunities to celebrate success.
The boys love being out in the community with daily walks within the community, visits to the tree trust and Redwoods along with visiting the Japanese garden. They are also taking part in the bike skills programme and enjoy heading into town on the bus. Every morning you will see the boys in the gym working on their fitness and throughout the week taking part in cooking sessions, attending sports days, yoga, kapa haka and dance.
We are also supported by our amazing specialists; Mandana (speech language therapist), Karen (physio) and Katharina (occupational therapist).
The boys are amazing and are always here with a smile ready to embrace the new day.